FJC Europe Funded by the EU FJC Europe

European Alliance
for Hope and

We are the European Network of multidisciplinary approach
of genderbased, domestic violence and child abuse and
Family Justice Centers

SafeShelter 2nd Partner Meeting

March 25, 2021

On March 25 the second SafeShelter Partner Meeting was held. Again because of the COVID-19 restrictions this meeting was done online. All project partners were present. The agenda of this 2nd Partner Meeting was mainly focussing on reviewing the during the Kick-off meeting agreed action points and each partners provided a presentation of points.

Joint review of the interview/FGD guidelines

Besides the actions points another relevant part was the joint review of the interview/FGD guidelines. Conexus, responsible for work package 2 ‘Establishing Mother & Child Advisory Panels in the implementation countries’ had developed and prepared a wide range of questionnaires for interviews of focus group discussions with mothers, children and staff in shelters. All the questionnaires were before the meeting shared with all partners with the additional question to provide feedback.

Accessibility of shelters

During the meeting Heinrich Geldschläger from Conexus displayed the questionnaires and adjusted questions which were based on the feedback of all partners. Also, the accessibility of shelters in the partner networks were discussed (shelter staff, as well woman and children in the shelters).
At the end of the meeting the next steps for the project were determined and a timeline was agreed and set by all partners.