4, 5 and 6 September 2024 (Milan, Italy)
6th international EFJCA Conference
The EFJCA, the FJC Milan, and the Fondazione IRCCS – Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico organized, at the beginning of this month, the 6th international EFJCA conference .
The main topic of the conference was the collaboration of the health sector in the multidisciplinary approach of gender-based violence and domestic violence. During the 3 days the participants explored good practices, joint-ventures and vision for the future.
Distinguished speakers, both from the medical sector and the multidisciplinary centers, shared their knowledge and experience. Also, the participants looked into specific topics: sexual violence, violence during pregnancy, trauma-care, non-fatal-strangulation,… On the 3th day the participants focused on the intersection of violence and migration.